A Couples Intensive with Amanda is a concentrated, solution focused effort to improve your relationship. You will have her undivided attention. Couples Intensives are powerful in diffusing emotional tensions, kick starting change, and improving communication skills. It is an option over therapy that is spread out over several weeks or months. Couples Intensives are significantly more cost effective than a divorce.
A couples intensive is not a group experience. It is one couple, one therapist, one goal. The goal of a personal intensive is to make things better in the most effective and efficient way possible.
Ideal for…
Couples who don’t want to be in therapy for weeks. Couples who have tried everything and are not sure what to do. Couples who have recently discovered an affair. Couples who are on the brink of divorce. Couples who feel stale or stuck. Couples who want more and are ready to work intensively on their relationship.How long is it…
Couples Intensives run for one or two days with a focus on understanding the couple, the relating patterns, what has already been done to try to fix the problem, generating new ideas, and developing a detailed plan for moving forward.
Couples intensives begin each day at 9am and run to 4:00pm with a break for lunch.
For questions, more information, or to schedule a couples intensive contact Amanda. (757) 903-2406